Cause of plan
While couples of migrant workers worked in Thailand for long time, they wanted their own children. Even though they want, they can not look after their children during working days as they used to work for the whole day. Then they have to send their children back to their parents through someone who will come back to Myanmar without knowing that the children will be safe on the trip or not. Some children are lost on the way and some died due to illegal journey from Thailand to Myanmar. But setting up Nursery school, children of migrant workers will be saved from dangerous and uncertain problems.
Some migrant workers got pregnant due to many reasons such as lack of health knowledge, rapes, and so on. Then, they can not look after their children or they can not earn both of their own living and their children as an illegal migrant workers. They left their children somewhere else with the hope that their children will be saved and adopted by somebody. Those kids have no one to look after them. That kind of children will be saved by nursery school we planned to set up.
Target Group
The target group of the project is the migrant children who are living in Mahachai, Samutsarkorn District. Most of them are children of family who are working mainly in fishery factories. The population size of children will be around ---. The aged rang of the children is from 1 month to 4 years old. For those who are over 4, their parents may want them to study at Thai school or our foundation will have to arrange for parentless children to let them continue studying.
Goal and Objective
If nursery school is opened and well managed, we believe that there will be no parentless children as their parents will not need to leave them, but they can let their children stay at nursery school safely and they can visit their own offspring and on the other hand they can work with peaceful mind not worrying for their kids. Moreover, basic knowledge of human beings will be taught for them during nurturing them.
The location of our learning centers will be in Mahachai, Samutsarkorn District, and Central Thailand.
Main Activities
We plan to nurture the children age under 2 years and we will teach them how to play and learn as kids’ age between 2 and 4 in these learning centers. The main funding organization of our project is Yin Nyein Pann Foundation, which is a community based Burmese migrant workers organization. Although they funded for running cost, teacher salary, school building and teaching material, we still need some for school transportation and some book like teacher guide and another additional learning material.
We also need to provide to migrant children for their nutrition, the sport materials, art materials, beside the learning staffs, such as text books, note books.
The ratio of teacher and student population is as follow:
Expected Outcome/ Results
(1) The first expected outcome will be that those children will get basic education of their native language, Burmese.
(2) The students will be provided the basic child rights and life skills, such as how to behave in the community and how to protect themselves from potential harm.
(3) Those migrant children have been out of mainstream human rights and child educational activities since they born as children of migrant workers. Some of them even left somewhere in the past. But, because living expense and school expense are too high for migrant workers, they could not send their children to school further in Thailand. So, most of them have been out of the help. So, setting up nursery schools and giving education opportunity to Burmese migrant children is great benefit for those who have no experience for schooling before. If they can get basic education that is needed for their daily life, their life will be stable for the long term.
(4) If they can speak, read and write Thai and Burmese as long as they stay in Thailand, it will be brighter for their future.
(5) It can create jobs for local educated Thai and Burmese people as nannies and teaching job and it can get more understanding between Thai community and Burmese community as working together with Burmese teachers and Burmese community.
Management Structure and Role of Project Team
Yin Nyein Pann Foundation will take responsibility to manage all these centers. We have to hire Burmese, Thai and English teachers who can teach Burmese, English, and Thai and train them to teach properly. Yin Nyein Pann Foundation will take responsibility to manage all teaching activities, conducted by Thai and Burmese teacher, Budgetary, coordinating with other government and non-governmental organizations, and meeting with community under the Education Project Coordinator. We will give them salary and we will monitor their teaching activities week by week. We will review these activities to prepare for the coming weeks.
Sustainability of Project
Although Thai government allows migrant children or non-Thai children to get Thai schools, Burmese migrant children are not ready to access Thai education system. They need to pass the transitional period that will prepare them to achieve in Thai education system. As long as these Burmese children are not ready to attend Thai school, our learning centers would be a role to bridge between Burmese community and Thai education system. Therefore, sustainability of our learning center project will as long as Burmese migrant children are living in Thailand.
Monitoring and Evaluation
By setting up nursery school for Burmese migrant children, the lives of Burmese children have been changed and they are being fulfilled their rights to education. They also can participate in the learning process of their daily life and they can be active citizenship. Before we set up the school, Burmese migrant children were out of help and main stream education system too. Therefore, this nursery school project intends to reach much marginalized Burmese children in Thailand. We have to monitor these teaching activities week by week and at the weekend, we have to review all these activities. We also have to issue a report for these monitoring and evaluation results month by month.
Arrangement for Nursery School
Parentless children will be looked after till they reach their 4th birthday. After that, they will be transferred to School of cultural and religious courses and Primary schools under Thai government. Children of Migrant workers will be looked after 6 days a week. On every Sunday, they can visit to their parents or their parents can visit to Nursery school according to their convenience.
Capacity of Nursery School: 40 children
Manager: 1 person
Accountant: 1 person
Nurses for children: 4 persons
Nanny for children: 8 persons
Security guard for nursery school: 2 persons
General worker: 1 person
Monthly Cost of Running Nursery School
Causes of Expenses Estimated Expenses (Baht)
Rental fees of Building with relevant yard 4000 per month
Water and Electricity 1500 per month
Salary for Manager 10000 per month
Salary for Accountant 10000 per month
Salary for nurses (10000*4) 40000 per month
Salary for Nannies (6000*8) 48000 per month
Salary for Security Guard (6000*2) 12000 per month
Salary for general workers (6000*1) 6000 per month
Ferry car 2500 per month
Phone and internet 1500 per month
Food for kids (150baht*30days*40persons) 180,000 per month
Investment cost of Running Nursery school
Causes of Expenses Estimated Expenses (Baht)
Washing machine 15000
2 sets of computer for kids and security guard 34000
Refrigerator 8000
Electric fans (12items*500Baht) 6000
Scales 2000
Gas stove 2000
Water Purifier 8000
Boiling pots 800
Traditional Cradles (60 items* Baht 800) 48000
3 sets of Security cameras and cables 15000
Cotton sheets for babies(40 persons*10pieces)*50Baht 20000
Drawing pads
Teaching materials for kids
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